The Reddings Primary & Nursery School

Ofsted & School Performance

Pupils are happy here.

At breaktimes, pupils play together joyfully. They go out of their way to make sure everyone feels included. Pupils behave responsibly and respectfully. They are safe and feel safe.

Pupils quickly learn to read competently and fluently

The school aims to inspire pupils to love reading.... Pupils at the early stages of learning to read receive phonics teaching daily. The school checks precisely the letter sounds pupils know. Pupils read books matched sharply to their knowledge of phonics. If pupils struggle with reading they receive extra teaching and support to help them keep up.

The school’s approach to supporting pupils’ personal development is well organised and extensive.

Pupils benefit from the school’s strong support for their personal development and well-being. This includes additional pastoral support for those who need this.

Read the entire report here.