The Reddings Primary & Nursery School

Priorities 2022 - 2023


Writing is an important life skill and at The Reddings we want children to be effective and feel confident when writing for a range of purposes.

 We will raise attainment in writing by:

-drawing on reading knowledge and experiences

-having a consistent approach to the teaching of writing with clear sequences of lessons

-embed exciting vocabulary into our writing making informed choices

Early Years and the Curriculum       

The Early Years is an important stage in the development of learning and at The Reddings we want everyone to know how learning begins.

 We will enhance our curriculum by:

- spending time in the Early Years all subject leaders will have first-hand opportunities to see the starting points of their subject and the way in which it is taught

- embedding the Early Years curriculum within our whole school curriculum and vision

- having a high quality, Early Years curriculum that meets the needs of our children setting them up for success in learning

Vocabulary acquisition   

We know that being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills that we can develop. We want everyone at The Reddings to be able to speak and use English confidently and fluently using a wide range of vocabulary.

 We will develop spoken language by:

- having a strategic approach to the assessment of language levels

- having a strategic and consistent approach to the teaching of new vocabulary (topic related vocabulary on knowledge organisers/ pre-teaching/ over-teaching)

- developing strategies to enable parents to support vocabulary acquisition at home

- providing opportunities to embed vocabulary into independent work